Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About me.

I suppose some sort of introduction post is in order, hm?

Hi! I'm Stephanie. I'm twenty-one years old, and a sociology student living in Boston. I'm also a teaching assistant at a preschool and a barista at a teeny tiny Italian cafe back in my hometown on Cape Cod.

I love to cook.

I spend obscene amounts of time on Pinterest pinning recipes to make someday, and then I make "someday" today. I have a large collection of cookbooks that I've forced my friends to sit down and post-it pages they want. I have a mental list of things I want to try.

There's more to me than cooking.

I'm so infatuated with the ocean that I think salt water may run through my veins. I think sand stuck to a leg is sexy and I love the smell of sunscreen. I was born with a little extra "free spirit" in me than most girls. I listen to country music and pop, screamo and classical. 8tracks.com is my favorite website. I'm short. I have a love-hate relationship with my boobs and I have blue eyes that look best after I've cried.

I'm a really nice girl, I think.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jell-o Cake: James was right

I always say that if I had a twin brother, it would be James.

I've known James since third grade; we were fated to be friends when I was seated in between him and Dylan, who to this day are funny enough together to deserve a YouTube channel (if not an entire TV show). His girlfriend of five years is also my biffle, Katie.

Katie and I used to bake cakes almost every weekend back in high school, and since they started dating early high school, James was always our number one test subject. And boy, did he love that.

Over the years, James has taken to bothering Katie and I about cakes, especially when we haven't made one in awhile. His latest thing is Jell-o cake- his mom used to make it when he was a kid, and for months he's been really nostalgic over it. I was putting off baking it since I heard about it, because I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I mean, think about it. You're combining the two very different textures of Jell-o and cake. It just seems kind of gross.

Oh, but it's not.

In fact, this was the easiest, most delicious cake I've ever made. And the best part? In total, the ingredients cost (James) about three dollars.

All you need is:
1 box white cake mix
The ingredients required to make the standard box: oil, water, eggs
1 3oz box of Jell-o (any flavor; I used strawberry)
1 small tub of Cool Whip

1. Prepare the cake according to the directions on the box.

2. Pour batter into a 13"x9" cake pan.

3. Bake at reccommended time on the box.

4. Allow to cool completely IN THE PAN. Once cool, poke small, evenly spaced holes using a toothpick or a fork in the top of the cake. Try not to poke holes that are too deep; holes that are 3/4 of the cake deep are perfect.

5. While the cake is cooling, prepare the Jell-o mix according to the directions.

6. Once the cake is cool and the holes are poked, SLOWLY pour the Jell-o mixture over the entire cake. Use the entire mixture- the cake will soak up all of it.

7. Stick it in the fridge for 3-4 hours until the Jell-o has molded.

8. Spread Cool Whip over the top, serve and enjoy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have the best friends.

I know a lot of people say that. I know you might even say that, you lovely human being sitting in front of your computer screen- but you're wrong. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have the best of friends.

I have a decent sized group of friends from my hometown. There's Katie, James, Ted, Dylan, Smokey, Tommy and Jamie, along with Samantha and Jeff, who I spend all of my free time with. The first three, however, are my roommates, and those who I would consider closest to me.

Those three are my wolfpack, my stone cold pack of weirdos.

You see, Katie, James, Ted and I all have two very, very important things in common.
1. We love food.
2. We love to eat food.

I'm not sure if other people feel the same way about food that we do. I certainly hope so, because it's fantastic.